This edition contains many updates such as:
ROCCAROSSA latest changes: from the rebolted multipitches to the new and easy pitches - long awaited and sought after - of the brand new BRICCHI;
In short, a fresh new look, which makes the 3RD EDITION of this guide a must-have piece in your library, your back pack… your bathroom (yep, exactly there, the sacred spot dedicated to in depth-analysis).
ROC PENNAVAIRE is a association sport climbing association (A.S.D.), founded in 2012 and affiliated to CSEN, with the main aim of promoting the creation and valorisation of crags in Val Pennavaire for sport climbing in complete safety, with a attention to respect and protection of the natural environment. In essence, the Association is concerned with supporting the creation of new crags, the maintenance of the existing ones and the cleaning of the access paths. Being non-profit, the Association finances the aforementioned activities thanks to the support of its members, as well as through the voluntary contributions of supporters, supporters and all those who love this sport and Val Pennavaire, and of course with the proceeds from sales of the guide. If you want to join or support the Association, or simply find out the news and make reports, you will find all the useful information on our website.
We therefore ask you to support us by joining our association, by paying an annual contribution of 20.00 Euros. Joining the association does not entail any type of direct commitment or personal responsibility, but only our gratitude and the possibility of having increasingly beautiful and safe crags.
To register contact
It is also possible to make a donation via Paypal !
Lo zoccolo duro (e puro) dell'associazione Roc Pennavaire